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Saturday 12 March 2011

A lovely day!

I have had a busy few weeks with work and crafting. I made this lunchbag from a pattern in last months Patchwork magazine, it was very quick once I got it all cut out. The fabric was some I have had for ages and didn't know what to do with it. I couldn't find a big button that looked right so I made one out of felt and beads and I am really pleased with how it turned out.

I am at the moment doing some cross stitch and knitting and making cards so very busy but enjoying doing things I haven't done for ages.

Today I have spent the day in the garden with my eldest grandaughter, we had a lovely day watching our chickens and cleaning up leaves, we walked down the road to see baby lambs and the swans and there were some lovely daffodils it  feels like spring is really on the way.

Well hopefully I will blog sooner next time

Happy crafting